
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

Disabled Parking Policy

For Drift and Motul Petit Le Mans:
Must be processed through the Registration/Will Call Office


Accessible parking is identified on the Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta event map. (see track map.)  Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. Depending on your time of arrival, you may be directed to alternate parking if the parking lot becomes full.

Parking Passes for Formula Drift & Motul Petit Le Mans:

Please visit Will Call/Registration office beyond Gate 1. State and local officials will be monitoring entry/access to accessible parking. Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis. Depending on your time of arrival, you may be directed to alternate parking if the parking lot becomes full.

Possess a handicap plate/hanger:

Fan will not need to purchase a parking pass to enter the facility.

Does not possess a handicap plate/hanger:

Fan does not have a handicap license plate/hanger, but are visibly handicapped. The fan will purchase a parking pass (at event rate) and the will call/registration office will place a handicap sticker on the pass.


Guests are encouraged to bring their own wheelchair or ECV (electronic convenience vehicle) for personal use while visiting Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta, as the track does not provide or rent.

Accessible Shuttle:

To request our handicap accessible shuttle during Motul Petit Le Mans, please contact our on-site dispatch system:

  1. Text number 627227 (spells NASCAR on the phone)
  2. Use keyword RASHUTTLE to begin your message
  3. Type a space and then your message including your pickup location
  4. If done correctly, you will receive an auto response. Dispatch will follow up if additional info is needed

Service Animals:

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta recognizes the importance of service animals in assisting guests with visual and other impairments. A service animal is defined by the ADA as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Tasks performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. Emotional support, therapy, comfort or companion animals that provide comfort by being with a person are NOT qualified by the ADA as service animals.

  • Service animals must be under the control of the handler at all times.
  • The service animal must be leashed, harnessed or tethered at all times, unless these would hinder the service the service animal is trained to perform.
  • If a service animal behaves in a way that poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others, has a history of such behavior, or is not under the control of the handler, that animal may be excluded.

Guests are responsible for caring for and supervising the service animal, including toileting (bringing their own pet waste disposal bags), feeding, grooming and veterinary care.

Mission Foods
Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta Logo


5300 Winder Highway
Braselton, Georgia 30517

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